Ashley at 36 weeks 5 days
I know that I have been trying to post a picture of Ashley every week, but this one takes the cake for me. Look at that big baby bump and those skinny little legs. Throughout Ashley's pregnancy she has still only gained 2 pounds. I swear she is the luckiest woman in the world!
Ashley had her appointment with the OB/GYN today. When they measured her belly it measured at 41 weeks! The doctor couldn't stop commenting that we have a huge baby on our hands! Then the doctor said that it is really looking like Ashley will require a Caesarean section and they would like to do it soon. Ashley has another appointment on Tuesday April 17th for a sonogram and afterwards we will be scheduling the C-Section.
With only 22 days left (technically) I already knew that the pregnancy was coming to an end and I couldn't be more excited! Now they are talking about Tobias being born next week? I'll take it, I'm okay with that! I just can't wait to hold my son in my arms for the first time and feel the moment that ever father never forgets. It is an amazing feeling to know that I will be a father soon, but I'm sure this feeling won't hold a candle to how I feel when I hold him in my arms.
I am so excited for you and Ashley. Praying for a nice safe delivery and a healthy baby.