His name above his window
I told you guys the other day that I would post pictures of Tobias' nursery, well here they are. The ceiling is panted white and the walls are painted tan. The blinds in the window will be replaced soon, but for now they do the job. Ashley picked up letters at a hobby shop and painted them green, I was able to just set them on the window and they stay just fine.
Tobias' crib and stroller
This is where our little guy will sleep once he is able to sleep in his own room. The blanket hanging over the crib is a crocheted blanket that Ashley made.
Jungle animals above his dresser
I got a little creative with wall appliques and thought it would be pretty cool to do over his dresser and above his door. We may add more, but we ran out after doing 2 sets. I needed to add a little color in the room so that he has something to look at.
Jungle animal above his door
His changing table and closet
Nothing too exciting here, just his changing table (sorry for the mess) and the door to his closet. We need to get a pad for the changing table, so hopefully someone buys one as a shower gift.
That is all for the pictures, but what you can't see is my big smile behind the camera. The thought of Tobias having his own room makes it feel to me that he is already here. Every time I walk by his room I get a smile on my face and I'm sure that will ring true after he is born as well.